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Bird Flu Outbreak Reported in Minnesota Dairy Herd

Reporting by: Leah Douglas and P.J. Huffstutter
June 6, 2024

A bird flu outbreak has been detected in a Minnesota dairy herd, the state's first case. This is part of a larger U.S. outbreak affecting over 80 herds in 11 states since March. The infected herd has been quarantined for 30 days. The Minnesota Board of Animal Health urges farmers to test sick cows to prevent the virus's spread. More testing is expected following this discovery. Read on to learn more about the outbreak and preventive measures.

H5N1 Virus Found in Beef for First Time, FSIS Says

Greg Henderson
May 28, 2024

The USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has reported the first detection of the H5N1 virus in beef, found in a single cull dairy cow. Despite this discovery, the affected meat was kept out of the food supply, ensuring that beef remains safe to eat. This marks a new development in an outbreak that began in 2022 and has mainly impacted poultry and dairy cattle. Learn more about this significant finding and its implications for food safety.

Latest developments on avian flu virus in dairy cattle

Noah Rohlfing
Successful Farming
May 9, 2024

Highly-Pathological Avian Influenza (HPAI) has spread to dairy herds in nine states, marking a significant shift for a virus typically linked to wild birds and poultry. The USDA has responded with mandatory testing for interstate cattle movement, while the FDA reassures the public about milk safety despite detecting viral particles in pasteurized samples. With symptoms including decreased milk production and appetite, dairy cattle can recover with treatment. Learn about the evolving situation and its implications for both the dairy industry and public health.

New USDA Report: Cover crops on livestock operations, potential for expansion

Maria Bowman & Others
May 2, 2024

The USDA's report on "Cover Crops on Livestock Operations: Potential for Expansion in the United States" details the economic and environmental benefits of integrating cover crops into livestock systems. It highlights the profitability of such systems, especially when cover crops are used for grazing or forage, which is common among dairy and cow-calf operations. The report also explores regional adoption rates and potential for expansion, noting barriers like climate and resource availability. Additionally, it suggests that federal and state programs could support the integration of cover crops in livestock systems to enhance sustainability.

H5N1 Mandatory Testing For Interstate Movement Of Dairy Cattle In Effect

Rhonda Brooks
April 29, 2024

Effective immediately, the USDA-APHIS has mandated testing for H5N1 influenza for all dairy cattle before interstate movement. This federal order requires a negative test result from a certified NAHLN laboratory. Owners must provide detailed epidemiological information for any cattle testing positive. These requirements are currently for lactating dairy cattle, with conditions for other classes to be determined based on ongoing risk assessments. Additionally, USDA-APHIS will cover testing costs at NAHLN labs under certain conditions, including disease suspicion and pre-movement checks.

7 products introduced at the 2024 Cattle Convention Trade Show

Gene Johnston
Successful Farming
February 20, 2024

The 2024 Cattle Convention Trade Show featured seven standout products, including a compostable bale wrap, a dual-action dewormer, innovative probiotics for grazing cattle, a new system for documenting hay field performance, an improved intranasal vaccine nozzle, a combined weed-and-feed solution for pastures, and a cost-effective generic dewormer. These advancements aim to enhance efficiency, sustainability, and animal health in the cattle industry.

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